Computer Science Entrance Requirements Check List

for students from outside the Penn State system and HACC

This check list is designed specifically for students not from within the Penn State system or from HACC. The admission office will determine the course equivalence.

A minimum of 56 credit hours with a 2.0 cummulative grade point average are required which are distributed as follows. These requirements constitute the General Education requirements of the Penn State University system. Click on the links to see descriptions of the PSU courses.

English Courses (9 credits)

    ___ English Comp I (3) [GWS]	ENGL 015 or 030
    ___ English Comp II (3) [GWS]	ENGL 202C
    ___ Speech (3) [GWS]		CAS 100

Mathematics Courses (10 credits)

    ___ Calculus I (4) [GQ]	MATH 140
    ___ Calculus II (4)[GQ]	MATH 141
    ___ Other (2)		MATH 220

Computer Science Courses (6 credits)

C or C++ programming languages are recommended
    ___ Comp Sci I (3)		CMPSC 121
    ___ Other Comp Sci. (3)	CMPSC 122

Natural Sciences Courses (9 credits)

Any courses with a GN suffix. For example, some Biology courses or Chemistry courses are GN courses.
PHYS 211 is required and PHYS 212 is recommended.

Click here for all GN courses.

    [GN]  PHYS 211 (4)

Arts Courses (6 credits)

Any courses with a GA suffix accepted. For example, some Art History courses are GA courses.

Click here for all GA courses.


Humanities Courses (6 credits)

Any courses with a GH suffix accepted. For example, some African and African American Studies courses, or some Comparative Literature courses are GH courses.

Click here for all GH courses.


Social and Behavioral Sciences Courses (6 credits)

Any courses with GS suffix accepted. For example, some Sociology courses or Economics courses are GS courses.

Click here for all GS courses.


Health and Physical Activities Courses (3 credits)

Any courses with GHA suffix accepted. For example, some Kinesiology courses or some Biobehavioral Health courses are GHA courses. Also, any PE courses can be used to satisfy this requirement.

Click here for all GHA courses.


Additional Requirements

The requirements in this section are part of the General Education requirements but can be fulfilled once you have been admitted into the program. They are only listed here for completeness.

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