Computer Science Minor Requirements

A minimum of 18 credit hours are required which are distributed as follows. A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor.
Note: All courses are three credits unless otherwise noted

Required Courses (12 credits)

CMPSC 122     Intermediate Programming
CMPSC 221     Object Oriented Programming with Web-Based Applications
CMPSC 360     Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
CMPSC 462     Data Structures

Electives (6 credits)

Select 6 credits from the following list. Other courses are to be chosen in consultation with the advisor and with program approval.

CMPSC 313     Assembly Language Programming
CMPSC 412     Data Structures Lab (1.5 credits)
CMPSC 413     Algorithms Lab (1.5 credits)
CMPSC 426     Object-Oriented Design
CMPSC 428     Programming in Ada
CMPSC 430     Database Design
CMPSC 438     Computer Network Architecture and Programming
CMPSC 441     Artificial Intelligence
CMPSC 444     Secure Programming
CMPSC 455     Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
CMPSC 457     Computer Graphics Algorithms
CMPSC 460     Principles of Programming Languages
CMPSC 463     Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CMPSC 469     Formal Languages with Applications
CMPSC 470     Compiler Construction
CMPSC 472     Operating System Concepts
CMPSC 475     Mobile Applications Programming
CMPSC 487W     Software Engineering and Design

To apply for a minor in Computer Science, please see the staff assistant in the department's office (W-255 Olmsted).

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